Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Cyclades Day III: Delos

Up bright and early, the sky is clear - no sign of last night's thunderstorm. Phew. Not wanting to risk a repeat of Friday, I dash down to the quay for seven thirty as instructed, to find: nothing - except a delightful Chinese chap also foolish enough to be punctual (it turns out he is finishing a stage in Brussels and wanted to explore Greece before heading back East.) c eight, there is finally some movement, but: too much wind. Maybe in half an hour. D'oh! If only that had happened on Friday!

Feeling the swell as we approach Delos

Just after nine, though, we finally head off, and arrive at ten on the sacred island, the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis.

Overview from the Sanctuary of the Egyptian gods

A few hours is not nearly enough to do the site justice, -but it is something, and made all the more precious by being the only person in the museum. (Well, except for the three guards, who, evidently used to having the island to themselves, were putting the world to rights at the top of their voices, and knew how to take full advantage of the museum's acoustics!)

Archaic Corinthian Aryballus with Gorgon

Hellenistic Frieze

Finds from the Insula of the Jewels

A few hoots on the horn, and I dash back to the boat: so much more to see, but I do not want to be stranded until the next boat: next Friday! As we leave, I marvel at how close Rhenaea is. No wonder Polycrates could connect the two islands with a chain. A quick dash up to Mykonos new port, though, and I am on my way to Syros...


  1. beautiful photos, darling. And nice to see what you doing, big kisses catxx

  2. Well done, my dear John! Lots of love
    X X X
